Sarung Mercury Canvas Diary Samsung Grand Prime

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    Harga Grosir di atas ( 50 pcs ) 53.000
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  • --- Sekilas Tentang Merek Mercury Goospery ---

    GOOSPERY series, a high-quality smart device brand launched by Mercury Corporation, will set standards for smart device accessories and achieve high consumer satisfaction.
    We will adapt to the needs of consumers seeking complete device protection as well as innovative products.

    Mercury(GOOSPERY)is a leading brand in mobile accessories and has
    a well-established reputation in Korea and around the world.
    We aspire to be the leading experts in the field of mobile accessories.
    By supplying high-quality products with designs to suit customer needs, we are satisfying clients all over the world.

    Company name   : Mercury Co. Ltd.
    Representative    : Lee Sang Kyu
    Registration date : January 1, 1995
    Business item     : Smartphone accessories manufacture and sale
    Annual sales       :65million USD (exported to more than 60 countries)

    Produk Detail

    Sarung Mercury Model TerBaru "Canvas Diary"
    Material: TPU (Thermoplastic Polyurethane)

    - Terbuat dari Bahan Kain Kanvas berKualitas bagus
    - Desain lebih Simple, Stylish dan Elegan
    - Full Proteksi untuk handphone kesayangan anda
    - Bahan Kain Kanvas Sangat Tahan lama
    - Bahan dalam silikon bukan hardcase sehingga lebih aman dari goresan
    - Silikon dengan kualitas yang bagus kelihatan lebih mengkilat
    - Terdapat tempat untuk kartu nama dan simpan kertas / note kecil
    - Handphone bisa berdiri sehingga bisa dibuat untuk nonton film
    - 100% Original Mercury
    - Kualitas Import dari Korea

    Tersedia 8 Warna :
    1. Hitam, 
    2. Biru, 
    3. Biru Dongker, 
    4. Orange, 
    5. Hijau, 
    6. Pink, 
    7. Abu-abu, 
    8. Merah

    **NOTE :
    - Mohon konfirmasi / cantumkan warna terlebih dahulu di kolom "keterangan" sebelum membeli
    - Usahakan cantumkan warna alternatif lain ketika order, supaya mnghindari penolakan saat transaksi dan transaksi anda akan lebih cepat dikrim


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